Red Derby Hats
The suit is available in extensive style ranges from one button to 6 button types, 3 piece navy suits, notched collar to shawl model, vested navy suits etc.
Red Derby Hats
Men's Wool Felt Fedora Red $49
Men's 100% Wool Hats Available in Black, Cream & Red Colors $59
New Men's 100% Wool Fedora Trilby Mobster Hat in 6 Colors $49
New Men's 100% Wool Fedora Trilby Mobster Hat Red $65
100% Genuine Deluxe Fur Felt Classic Wool bowler derby style ~ Bowler Red Hat $55
Men's Red/Black Fedora Hat $55
A hat is a head covering which is worn for various reasons. It can be used during religious functions, ceremonial reasons, safety and mainly as a fashion accessory. In the past hat indicated the position or status in the society. There are wide ranges of hats used by people belonging to different profession in the society. One of the most popular hats used by the working class during the Victorian era is the derby hats otherwise known as the bowler hats. This beautiful derby hats were later used by the middle and upper class of the United Kingdom and eastern United States. Derby hats were rigid head coverings that traditionally were made of woolen touch. It came in different shapes and was either slender, rolled brims or rounded, or dome-shaped, tops. Earlier it was worn by men. The traditional colours were black, grey and brown. With the change of style red derby hats also occupied an important position in the world of fashions.
The bowler or derby hats were commonly associated with the business men working in the financial districts otherwise known as City Gents. But in the 1980’s wearing of theses derby hats with business attire faded away or almost died out. The only difference between a bowler hat and a derby hat is that bowler hats are British and Derby hats are American. Derby hats were termed stiff as they were coated with shellac in the construction process and therefore never conformed to shape of the wearers head.
The attractive derby hats have been designed in 1894 by the hat makers Thomas and William Bowler for Lock and Co. It was asked to be designed in such a way to protect Cock’s gamekeepers head from the branches lying low when they ride on a horse back. The hardness and durability of the hat was admired by the people who used it and red derby hat gradually gained its significance in the fashion world.
Importance of the hat
In America the hat is popularly known as derby. The hard nature of the derby hat made it popular among the cowboys and rail road workers. It gradually became a trademark of many actors and great personalities. There was a chain of restaurants in Los Angeles named after the derby hat. A chain of brown derby restaurants in Ohio are still in business today. The red derby hats are used by the modern men and women to show their status in the society. Part Southern tradition, part spectacle, the derby hat parade is much of what makes the Greatest Two Minutes in Sports one of the greatest people watching events in the world. In the events where the higher class of the society would attend the attractive red derby hats became unavoidable. Till 1960 it did not become that popular but when social fashion norms loosened up and the presence of television gave a prominent place, the hats became larger, brighter and more extravagant.
Hats for men and women
One of the unique qualities of this colourful red derby hat is that it is worn by people on special occasions. From the fantastic to the sublime there are no particular rules or regulations to be followed while choosing your derby hat. It is believed to bear good luck. Earlier it was an accessory worn by women but later on men also started using it. The hats are of elegance and style. The red derby hats worn by women are more attractive and can be decorated with flowers, feathers, bows and ribbons of any colours to express creativity and individuality of the person wearing it. Men's derby hats are generally sold in colour and inspired by the style from 1920. It marked significance in the lifetime of the Men's hat. Hats always denote a person’s status or position in the society. Gentlemen wore top hats, while the lower class wore soft ones. The popularity of these attractive derby hats peaked at the end of the 19th century and was worn by all classes of men.
Dress or hat
When it comes to answering the question, dress or hat which comes first, there are two answers-some says that outfit matters the most and some says that it is better to create or design your hat before choosing the outfit. This headwear is truly a fascinator and it has become more popular among people in recent years. Decorating the red derby hat with other fittings adds beauty to the hats. With its sturdy wool felt body it is a perfect accessory for women who really wants style to her outfit or men who want to just add style.
Tips for men and women
The men wearing a red derby hat make a real style statement. It’s a style commonly reserved for actors, rock stars or men with English dressing sense. The hat goes well with trench coat over a dark pinstripe suit and a pair of brogues. If that’s not the style you prefer you can wear it with a leather jacket, dark denim jeans and a pair of leather boots with a casual white shirt. Women too can look stylish by using the red derby hat with stylish swing skirts, a floral blouse or stiletto heels. Everybody will be waiting with bated breath to see how you are dressed in this new style.
The more bizarre the derby hats look it seems to be a fantastic match to whatever outfit you are wearing. This will give the wearer a cut of history; it can reveal things about you, your personality and style. It gained it importance in folk imagery, thanks to Sherlock Holmes and James Watson, who made it their trademark. Nowadays only a select few have the right spirit to wear the accessory in style and with ease. One must have love and passion for being elegant and for being remembered. At Mensusa they promise the customers to give a unique style to their dressing with the beautiful red derby hats.
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